Sunday, August 15, 2010

Federal Election: Lilley Electorate

With the Federal Election less than a week away, we thought we'd better check out what our new electorate in Queensland was.  Want to make sure we don't miss out on democracy in action.  You'd almost think this election was solely about Queensland, given how much focus the state has received from both main political parties - campaign launches are held here, major policy announcements are made here and it feels like Julia and Tony are up here every second day at the moment.  And there is a logical reason behind it and not just because the Queensland winter makes great campaign weather conditions.  There are about 5 marginal seats in QLD, only surpassed by NSW which has 9. 

Our new electorate is Lilley (where do they get these electorate names by the way??).  Lo and behold, the current member of Lilley is none other than Treasurer Wayne Swan (you can see his mugshot on posters all over the suburb, like above).  SBS have a great election tool on their website which gives you statistics about your electorate. 
Here's the lowdown on Lilley:

Country of birth: 75% Australia; 25% Overseas (largely 4% UK; 4% NZ; 1% Philippines)
Languages spoken at home: 85% English; 15% language other than English (largest % Italian)
Religious affiliation: 31% Catholic; 19% Anglican; 18% No Religion; 6% Uniting Church
Gender: 52% Female, 28% Male
Age: 44% 25-54; 13% 15-24; 11% 5-14; 15% >65; 10% 55-64; 6% <5

Not the most diverse electorate in the Australia, that's for sure.  Pretty "top Aussie" really.  The main surprise to me was the no religion affiliation, up there nearly pipping the Anglicans. 

It's off to the polling booths for us then this coming Saturday.  Enjoy your electioneering!

1 comment:

  1. If 52% of the people are male, and 28% female, then what is the other 20%? Cane toads, statistical error, typo?
